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a blog for you to explore your ego & body connection.
Read on, comment, enjoy.

Rahul Taparia
Nov 19, 20211 min read
Tennis vs Life
In tennis or in any other game really, we don’t get mad at the opponent for hitting a difficult shot at us …. on the contrary, we get...
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Rahul Taparia
Oct 18, 20211 min read
in west when two people meet, they say “how are YOU” or “how do YOU do”…… in India, people say Jai Sri Ram or Jai Sri Krishna….. think...
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Rahul Taparia
Nov 11, 20201 min read
Always Wanting more
“Our” capability is maximised only when we let the universal power work through us and not have any sense of doership left. and until we...
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Rahul Taparia
Aug 25, 20201 min read
i LOVE you
Remove the egocentric I and You from I love you and then just LOVE remains...pure
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Rahul Taparia
Aug 5, 20201 min read
Display Love
It’s funny that people who feel they don’t need to DISPLAY their LOVE for their country or their God for others, don’t miss any opportunity
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Rahul Taparia
Jul 15, 20202 min read
Resist gulping
Next time you sit for a meal, try NOT to swallow food till 30seconds have passed since taking the bite. We gulp too fast and before the...
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Rahul Taparia
Jun 21, 20201 min read
Just ask the universe
When everything is a thought from the universe then anytime you need guidance, quieter your mind/your ego and let the universe give you d...
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Rahul Taparia
Jun 18, 20201 min read
Stop your sob stories
They are nothing but food for your ego to keep it thriving
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Rahul Taparia
May 4, 20201 min read
You are a jigsaw piece
World is the most advanced and complex jigsaw puzzle ever! here each piece is 3 dimensional, changes shape, size, colour. Goes away after...
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Rahul Taparia
Mar 28, 20201 min read
De-stress one moment at a time
Try to relax your body in the most challenging time, mentally or physically. Do it for one moment at a time to make it possible. let the...
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Rahul Taparia
Mar 17, 20201 min read
Feeling Proud, are you!
Oh your tennis forehand is a thing of beauty, your sales skills...exemplary and your looks... oh my! What is it that you have, that can...
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Rahul Taparia
Feb 24, 20201 min read
Stressed about making a dent in the universe?
Here’s a Billion Years Test to help: Take a guess, how long humans have been around on earth.......200,000 years, and how long has the...
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Rahul Taparia
Feb 7, 20201 min read
Sorry, my ego took over
We find it difficult to say sorry for what we have done but find it easy if we have to say sorry for our colleague, child or spouse Or...
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Rahul Taparia
Jan 24, 20201 min read
Product of nature
We are no different than a flower in the garden which wakes up with sunlight and closes by sunset. Takes all the water and nutrient that...
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Rahul Taparia
Jan 24, 20201 min read
Achieve a loving person status
What does anyone want at any point of life: meeting and talking and interacting with a loving person. Someone who is free of judgement...
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Rahul Taparia
Dec 23, 20191 min read
Respond to the state of the soul and not the body
Anytime we are interacting with someone, we generally only notice what they said, what expressions they made when they said it, If they...
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Rahul Taparia
Dec 23, 20191 min read
Doing vs being
Body can ”do”. Soul can “be”. If you want to BE happy, then don’t DO things to make you happy. Just BE happy. Your body cant DO anything...
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Rahul Taparia
Nov 18, 20191 min read
Forget about removing EGO, Instead, FILL your body with consciousness
We perform best when we make something a part of ourselves. And we perform worst when we take something or someone as other than us. So...
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