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a blog for you to explore your ego & body connection.
Read on, comment, enjoy.

Rahul Taparia
Apr 20, 20241 min read
Be like ocean
be like ocean where all rivers come and merge. They don’t raise the height of ocean or make it unstable by their currents. River currents...
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Rahul Taparia
Mar 4, 20241 min read
Love only
Are your thoughts filled with love? Just focus on this and leave the rest to divine. As long as your focus is on love for people & things...
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Rahul Taparia
Feb 18, 20241 min read
What surrounds you?
You're surrounded by God in human, animal, plant, river, mountains forms. Start treating what surrounds you like God and everything will...
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Rahul Taparia
Jan 8, 20241 min read
God-made or Self-made!
Divine power has created us as we think we can better that by becoming anything else? We try to become a CEO, Head of this...
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Rahul Taparia
Dec 31, 20231 min read
Sorry or Love you
Next time you end up hurting someone by your words say I love you instead of I'm sorry. People get hurt when they feel unloved
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Rahul Taparia
Dec 28, 20231 min read
Capturing the Magic of Divine
It is not possible to capture the magic of divine in an analytical process. We can't make steps to follow that can be replicated. Your ...
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Rahul Taparia
Oct 28, 20231 min read
Back up three steps for exponential gain
Just as in rope climbing, correct technique is to use core and not arms as one would naturally think. Grab the rope higher with help of...
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Rahul Taparia
Oct 21, 20231 min read
Accept life to be in the present moment
Only when we forget our "personal" likes & dislikes which are formed by our ego, and accept everything that comes our way as an order...
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Rahul Taparia
Oct 12, 20231 min read
Operate with your thoughts
Try not speaking out loud unless absolutely necessary for functional things like pass me the water, serve me food etc. Rest, for bigger...
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Rahul Taparia
Oct 6, 20231 min read
Create Vacuums
Nature fills up any vacuums with matter Start creating vacuum spaces in your body and mind via various yoga asanas and kriyas so new life...
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Rahul Taparia
Aug 28, 20231 min read
Live like a whisper
Keep your identity aligned with divinity in you and not ego. One way to do it is to always speak softly. This keeps your throat relaxed...
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Rahul Taparia
Aug 28, 20231 min read
Mountain or beach
Are people with high ego attracted to beaches and people with low ego to the mountains..... Could it have something to do with high egos...
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Rahul Taparia
Aug 28, 20231 min read
Attraction of earth & water
Are we attracted to it as we are made of the same elements and it calls us home!
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Rahul Taparia
Aug 4, 20231 min read
The ripe fruit
Just as a fruit’s natural tendency is to ripen & during the ripening process the outer skin becomes thinner and thinner and the inner...
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Rahul Taparia
Aug 4, 20231 min read
Who’s a good servant?
A good servant follows master's instructions completely without applying any changes from his own side. This in turn gets him promotion...
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Rahul Taparia
Aug 2, 20231 min read
Why Positive in the world will always be above Negative
Negative actions always emerge from one's ego Positive actions always emerge when one channels divine power by losing oneself. Divine...
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Rahul Taparia
Jul 1, 20231 min read
Turn back the focus
Instead of focusing on coming up with the plan & tactics and ways to reach your goal and worrying about how you will do it and what if it...
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Rahul Taparia
Jun 20, 20231 min read
Divine instrument
Just as we've made various instruments for different sounds, we are an instrument made for creating certain music in the world....
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Rahul Taparia
Jun 13, 20231 min read
Check your path
You gain speed while you fall till you hit the ground. Similarly, going in wrong direction in life will get you ill returns and you will...
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Rahul Taparia
May 21, 20231 min read
empty space
Universe is primarily filled with empty space with stars & planets being a very small solid part of it If we have the universe inside of...
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